About Ben­ny

MEprofilBorn 1964

Mar­ri­ed, fat­her of 1 and step­dad of 3

Owner, co-fun­der, part­ner and Chief Con­tent Offi­cer of webtextshop

In my pro­fes­sio­nal life, I stri­ve to:

  • Eli­mi­na­te bor­ing, rigid, and mono­lit­hic cor­pora­te e‑learning cour­ses and inste­ad cre­a­te short, tar­ge­ted and employ­ee-cen­tric cour­ses that deli­vers the nee­ded com­pe­ten­ce boost in a way that fits into the busy sche­du­le of eve­ry employee
  • Use the same enga­ge­ment stra­te­gies as on com­merci­al web­s­i­tes when deploying e‑learning and new Sha­rePo­int sites
  • Era­di­ca­te cor­pora­te ‘bro­chu­re web­s­i­tes’ that seem more like a prin­ted cata­log than a site, repla­cing them with sites that enga­ge, and cre­a­te a lasting rela­tions­hip with visitors
  • Make Sha­rePo­int-sites more than just a file-dri­ve in the sky

In all my cli­ent work I stri­ve to be the ambas­sa­dor for employ­e­es and cust­o­mers; ensuring that cust­o­mers get mea­ning­ful infor­ma­tion and know­led­ge about the company’s pro­ducts, ser­vi­ces, and sto­ri­es, and that employ­e­es get a rele­vant com­pe­ten­ce boost that enab­les them to sol­ve their tasks in an easi­er and simp­ler way.

In my pri­va­te life, I stri­ve to:

  • Con­ti­nuous­ly upda­te my know­led­ge in the sub­ject areas I work with both in my pro­fes­sio­nal and pri­va­te life
  • Wri­te eve­ry day, so I con­ti­nue to deve­l­op my skills as a wri­ter and facilitator
  • Fight against the cau­ses of obe­si­ty and ignor­an­ce of a healt­hy lifestyle
  • Con­ti­nuous­ly work towards beco­m­ing bet­ter at doing busi­ness and engag­ing people
  • Beco­me a bet­ter cook and han­dy man

Cur­ri­culum Vitae



Owner and co-funder

Maj 2014 – Present

Cer­ti­fied Con­tent Mar­ke­ter, copy­wri­ter, SEO og Con­tent Mar­ke­ting strategist.

Skills Cre­a­tor

Owner, co-fun­der and Chief Con­tent Officer

Sep­tem­ber 2007 – april 2015

Glo­bal busi­ness loca­ted in India, Den­mark, Spain and USA. Deve­l­ops cor­pora­te e‑learning and inter­nal know­led­ge sha­ring platforms

 teXts­hop Hol­ding ApS

July 1988 – Present


teXts­hop was my start in life. The old firm is now a part of Skills Cre­a­tor and teXts­hop Hol­ding ApS is one of the parent com­pa­nies of Skills Cre­a­tor. For a peri­od from 2003 to 2007 I did busi­ness as teXtshop.

Data­Tid – Danish com­pu­ter magazine

Edi­tor in chief

Decem­ber 2006 – July 2011

Krog­hs Forlag


2001 – 2004

For­la­get Globe


1997 – 2002

Indu­stri­ens Forlag

Chief Infor­ma­tion Officer

1995 – 1997

Read​.Me – Vis­holm Media

Edi­tor in chief

Decem­ber 1993 – Octo­ber 1995

Circu­it – Data & Tek­nik – Circu­it Design

Edi­tor in chief

August 1991 – Decem­ber 1993

Circu­it – Data & Tek­nik – Circu­it Design

Media con­sul­tant and journalist

August 1988 – Janu­ary 1990


Cand. Comm and B.A. in com­pu­ter sci­en­ce – Roskil­de Uni­ver­si­ty Cen­ter 1984–1990

High school diplo­ma from Has­lev Gym­na­si­um & HF, 1981–1984

Ele­men­tary school: Kari­se sko­le 1981